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Sunday, June 21, 2015

To Daddies with love...

Father’s day is just got over. I did get to see loads of photos and loving words from children on Facebook and messages. Once such cliche which is circulated the most was “Anyone can become a father but it takes effort to be a daddy”. The rebel in me woke up without an alarm to jot down my views.

Daddy is just another synonym, In fact it is more informal and we can feel the proximity from our heart. And Father is always seen as a provider, this is what nature and society have made us believe. Most of the men harness his family and children in all possible ways to bring harmony to himself and also for his people.

Is it difficult to be a Father? is not, provided he is ready to become one truly from his heart. Because every child believes that his or her hero is their “father.” And for daughters he is the first man in her life. She compares, expects and accepts an opposite gender as her close mate when he has little streaks of the first man. So the creator sets the standard for his daughter. 

Lord Ganesh has refused to marry anyone because he wanted a girl like his own mother. This may be just a story, however a girl is still naïve and marries a person who can take care of her even with little comforts. After all, women seek validation from men.

So who is the FATHER? He is the one who is responsible for sculpting a woman, his approval and attitude are the primary cause for a girl to gain more self-esteem. Her subconscious mind will make her do wonders also can create positive vibes towards the society when she feels warmth from inside.
Men don’t need to feel proud to be a bio logical father, even a rapist can do that. A man who forgets his fatherly instincts and touches the Benjamin button when he sees an attractive woman or even just an ignorant child are not eligible for this title. It takes loads of responsibilities to hover and shower the required love till the end to be a Father.

Hero can break, make and talk at any time, situations may change…someone else may do the role however affection does not. Every man is a  father if he can nurture a child into a good human being.   

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