Another long weekend to unleash, The dissatisfied “Maha atma”
in us has genuinely calculated and waited for this break!!! So chill…
Great Indians that we are…we follow his words religiously,
because it is giving more gain personally.
Non-cooperation – yes, among the parties in
order to prove them that they are different. Though it is a reflection of their
inflated ego status, we the People do not understand the political game behind
Quit India – yes, for “brain- drain or brain –
gain” but surely for better opportunities, and they should never think of
coming back because their status is more important for our placement in the
global map. Also…Quit India – to feel
happy and freedom from pollution, pits on the roads, populated areas, politics,
and prohibitions of course the porn ban.
Clean India – it is our National Mission which
we follow only on special days to get lime light and upload pictures on social
media. We need celebrities to educate on this topic, as parents we fail to
teach and inculcate good habits right from the childhood.
Buy Indian clothes – the less said is better,
because globalization has made us to succumb to buy designer clothes so that
our “Image” is maintained.
The three monkeys – This made us “unaffected”
for all the happenings around us. Become blind, deaf and dumb only then we can
breathe easily.
Freedom Struggle – This is applicable to all the
Maoists and terrorists to fight for their rights and in fact they are doing a
fantastic job!!!
Non- violence – it is an alien word in this
present scenario however the people of India the genuine tax payers do still
believe in this. And hence avoid voicing their opinion on any platform.
I am not an ardent fan of Gandhiji but I always wondered on
his ability to unite this country without changing any of his profile picture
in “tri colour” in any social media. His letters from Jail and the messages
would reach all corners and created a cascading effect emotionally. I truly
admire him for this remarkable achievement. And wishing him a very happy
birthday and never ever come back to India because your ideas are out dated
now! They may be politically correct however practically incorrect.
So…friends enjoy this weekend, liquor ban is everywhere
today. But we are smart we will find a way out! Metro rail work is on…still we
will go out! New movies are released so go and watch…It is a label that you
have spent your weekend happily.
Cheers and Happy Gandhi Jayanthi!