“It is time to get up…the time is 7 o clock, it is time
to get up...the time is 7 o clock….
just realized that she forgot to switch off the alarm alert last night!
She slept around 5 o clock in the morning though. Face
book and Whatsapp have become a part of her life. And especially for this
weekend as she decided not to go out anywhere with friends. The reason was…”HIM”!!!
Out of curiosity, kept her half eyes opened to see
whether there are any miss calls or messages from “HIM”. She felt as though she
is the queen of Mumbai when saw a call registered at around 6.30 from “HIM!”
This bolstered her ego up and decided to doze off for a few more hours. But
sleep has taken a back seat by then since her eyes became moist and thoughts
train applied the reverse gear and she went into her own happy world of “HIM”
and her.
special friend whom she met through a social network in a group. Both belong to
the same state and working in Mumbai, hence it was their common interest to
talk and use all the abusive words of their mother tongue to add flavor in the
conversation. He enjoyed her style of communication and Akanksha felt comfortable in his company.
Vashi and Andheri (Mumbai suburbs) are commutable but not
on a daily basis especially after their long working hours. So they met on
weekends to catch up for a movie or for just to hang around in any swanky mall.
This went on for six months, and once in a relaxed mood…Sanjay told her that
hey…Akku I am trying for onsite projects and likely to leave by September.
Akku: ok idiot…go!
Sanjay: idiots don’t get to go to UK. So I am not an
idiot…”devil girl”.
Akku: Yes…idiots don’t leave me and go, you are smart!
Sanjay : What do you mean? And who said I am going to
leave you, digital world is our boon. Many means and so…many ways!
Akku: yeah….but
you want to go? Is that clear right?
Sanjay: hmmm….what do you want me to do? And why this
much emotion?
Sanjay: I really thought you will encourage me and come
up with some shopping list and all, also excited to plan for a holiday
sometimes together in UK. It is strange to see your reaction.
Akku: Fine, best wishes for your onsite project, thanks for
all the holiday plans. I don’t think I will ever do it. Let us have something
and go…I am not feeling easy.
Sanjay: hey you are out of sync today, no problems babes!
How about pizza hut? I will have vegetarian today along with you.
Akku: No Sanjay,
pls don’t do anything for me, anyways…you will have to get used to all non-veg
stuff only in the near future. So eat sumptuously as per your choice!
Sanjay: ok darling…as you say
Pizza hut is a place, where anyone can enjoy irrespective of the age. Both parked themselves in a centrally located table, as she felt that there was nothing special that day to go to a cozy cornered one. And subtle music from the speaker…”Pehlapehlapyarhei…pehalipaehalibaarhein”, Akanksha thought of Arvind her first love and Sanjay tried hard to hide his smile, thinking of Nandhini. Both smiled at each other nonchalantly.
It was she who broke the vacuum around the air and
said…can we order for something?
came back from his quick trance and replied…yes your honor! Anything for you!!!
Akanksha was sulking from inside and
repeated his words “ANYTHING FOR YOU”.
Without wasting time on any more discussions, the day ended amicably as she
decided not to utter one word about his onsite project.
The entire week, went off in an informal good morning
messages and some forwards from Sanjay.
She maintained her composure and carried on with her routine job in the office.
However, her heart was melting to meet him and to make him understand how much
she was missing him. A Strong Leo girl wanted to keep herself in control, so
abstained completely.
And Sanjay did
not make any calls during the week days as he got really busy with his ongoing
project also spent late nights in the office, foregone food, and followed an erratic
sleep pattern. He thought of her when he wanted to feel stress free, took the
mobile phone…checked her profile, enjoyed looking at her picture. Suddenly, a
thunder striking thought stroked him….Does she love me? Or Am I in love with
her? Am I missing her? Will I always miss her if this is going to be my
But he did not want to invest more time on this because
his work was not getting over. And he seriously needed some rest. So once
again, looked at her photo and said to himself…sweet heart, I will be happy if
you will be mine, but now…my project is the villain and I must meet you soon.
Akanksha went off to sleep with her thoughts, and woke up
again because her mobile was ringing with a beautiful voice, and that was her
Hiiiiiiiiii Mummy,
Mom: Hope you are up!
Akku: yes…ma, wassup?
Mom: Akku, I called to tell you two things, one is your
whatsappDp is very nice. And the second thing is, you have to attend a wedding
anniversary party of Joshi uncle. They have completed 25 years of togetherness
today. Since you are in Bombay, you must go!
Akku: Omg!!!! This is not happening ma. Please…I want to
sleep. Let me live without all these commitments!!!
Mom: what do you mean by this? They both were there with
us in the hospital on the day you were born. Don’t be so calculative…you should
go! I know you have not worn saree for a long time, this is your chance to show
me also. I am waiting to see you nicely dressed up in a saree
Akku: Mummy pls………. what is this? Dont come up with all
your usual tactics. I understand, fine I will think about it. Let me sleep now.
Mom: see...I will
text you the address, you are GOING!!! Ok bye…
Akanksha was
seriously not interested to meet anyone, her only attraction was for a variety
of best food in the party. So she changed her mind and booked a cab for
herself. As per her mother’s instructions she wore a nice chiffon saree, bought
a small Ganesh statue and a bouquet.
The party was in a banquet hall at a famous hotel, Joshi’s
were rich of course! Also they spend lavishly in parties. As she entered Savvy Aunty welcomed her with a genuine
wide smile. Akanksha could sense the
happiness of the couple in their eyes. This made her smile from her heart and
handed over the gift and the bouquet. Savvy
reluctantly agreed but with a smile.
chose a nice table to sit and started making random conversation with people
around, there were a lot of goodies in the party for people who are fond of
eating. She saw a pizza corner, and thought of Sanjay immediately. Then curtailed her anxiety and decided to eat
something else. She went to the south Indian
display of mouthwatering dosas and ordered for a masala dosa!!!
It used to be
my regular diet during the college days, my god…time just flew. She pondered on
to herself till the dosa arrived.

aunty came closer…and asked her, “Beta...there are many
varieties to eat! You must taste everything!”Akanksha assured her that she would try a few more! While having the dosa, she realized that she
is in love with Sanjay, but he is not! And it is time for her to act like a
mature girl and should not mess up things. But it is very difficult to suppress
and smile like this when she wanted to be alone!!!
came to the dosa counter to be with her friends for a while, and smiled at Akanksha again. And this time the ladies
started talking to each other about their husbands. Also questioning Savvy about their first meeting and the
journey of twenty five years.
A composed woman Savvy never showed her emotions openly at any of point of time. So
when questioned in a gathering like this, she was not though comfortable but
went ahead to disclose to her friends and Akanksha
who also joined the conversation that her husband started saying the three
magic words “ I love you” quite recently. The affection they both have for each
other was never told but always demonstrated by giving respect and space.
She continued breathlessly that we do have disagreements
but we don’t give life to it. And this makes me feel that, “The secret of a successful relationship lies in the simplest of
things: “Believe in small pleasures and trust on the untold love” because love
is too precious to earn and even more precious to let go! Our love is like a rainbow,
may not be able to see it daily. However, “we know that it is existing and this
trust makes us feel delighted in each other’s company!”
Once Savvy
finished this…people were astounded and a single tear slid down on her cheek!
And she regained her smile and called everyone to join for a dance masti to the floor.
felt that she knew something now, clouds are clearing and she could see a thin
silver line and she is beginning to understand the chemical mixture of her mind
and heart. Inspired from a not so expressive couple she felt the warmth in her
heart for Sanjay. Her girlish, ladylike and womanly emotions all have joined
the bandwagon together to tell her that she is in Love again!!!
Tearing through the polluted Mumbai wind…she grabbed her
phone and dialed his number! Within one ring, Sanjay picked up the call and
said…Devil girl...where were you? I was missing you like hell. And Akku happily
said…I was practicing alone as to how to drink your blood before you leave for
Actually Akku…you are a baby doll…Sanjay muttered! Akanksha
did not want to say anything… her silence conveyed everything!!!