The best victory our country has witnessed now!!!
The congress party has to do a thorough post-mortem of their 10 years
kingdom. I chose the word kingdom because it is the Gandhi family which was
ruling it directly and indirectly.
As a True responsible citizen of India I am really happy and
welcoming the change wholeheartedly. It is a long anticipation from every
person who is surviving with full of hopes!!! There are two issues which evoked my attention.
Congress was not able to communicate to the people in which
way Mr. Modi and his party workers have done. Mr. Rahul Gandhi was born with a
silver spoon got opportunity to study in one of the best institutions, yet he
failed to connect with hearts!!!!!!!!!! A thought provoking and an interesting
point is, communication skills coupled with humility are the accepted key
factors in today’s scenario. Youth India
feels that they are not getting proper guidance and also “chaltha hei” attitude
is creeping in in their mind. So staying connected with people who matter to us
is more important than absenting oneself from issues.
And the second learning I would like to share is for the
parents. Though it is a sensitive issue, there is a strong message to the
parents that they have to give up their aspiration and let the children decide what
they want to do. Then we would have seen Mr. Rahul Gandhi in some other field
perhaps excelling.
Leave your child to make his fortune like Mr. Modi,
smothering will only make your child clueless, protected, indecisive and
failure. Lastly…I salute THE INDIAN MOTHER and the unsung HEROINE Mrs. Modi who gifted us an able leader!!!
Jai hind! Jai Namo!!!