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Tuesday, November 4, 2014


We make a living by what we get,
We make a life by what we give.
                               Winston Churchill
What is life? What is living? And what is the fullest living?  What are we supposed to do?
Call out loudly;  go for a trip with all our savings; give a damn to people and walk with our attitude; tie oneself with restrictions and follow a military regiment life; take the name of our favorite god and say that everything is god’s will. Because things which make an average urban man /woman happy to the core are either illegal, unethical or fattening.  However we all know that ZINADGI NA MILEGI DOOBARA!!! So…let us plunge in to scan a few things which will really make our living worth to its fullest.
If we ask our youngistans to voice their opinion on living to the fullest, they would perhaps say that one should not be disturbed at any time by anyone! Their freedom is more important than anything else and every relation must understand that they need space!!! The flattened world made our physical neighbors distant from us and brought many other far ones closer through virtual world. This generation invests time to create and then condition their digitally designed destiny. At the same time, the small town dwellers or people from a rural areas will probably agree that they are all living happily despite not having many of the facilities. Paradoxically, we would still get to witness many of them wanting to join the bandwagon of the urban crowd. This is primarily because they have high goals and a strong ambition to achieve it.
Living and happily living or Living to the fullest have separate meanings. One of the key factors to have a smooth life is to have a positive attitude towards people and situations. Perception is also playing a pivotal role in keeping one happy. During the Kargil battle, I was once in the hospital waiting for my turn. I saw a small boy collecting money from people for Pakistan soldiers. Out of curiosity I asked him why he did so. He gave a stunning reply to me that people in India are collecting money for Indian soldiers only, and who will do for Pakistanis? This little one was seven years old then. This gesture moved my strong heart to show empathy towards our enemies too.  Therefore I understood the way to show kindness through his perception.  
Inter personal relations is another set of under explored area which people have to nurture each day by watering it with true involvement. Glib promises, fake affections and calculative heart will never make a person live peacefully. Having a healthy relationship is like tweeting in Twitter account. If we take a break, then people will forget us easily. So it should be a regular thing in our life.  Accept the people as they are and taking full responsibility for our actions will enhance our personality and thereby make our life more worthy.
When I was young, the word “stress” was an unheard term. However, IT boom has also contributed to this word becoming a cliché to a large extent. Being economically sound is very sweet to ears and the rat race is all for this majorly. In the grand scheme of things money is necessary because needs have to be fulfilled and desires will never end. When we go clueless as to what are our needs and what are the desires, we experience stress. Shah Rukh Khan sleeps only for four or five hours in a day. Because he loves acting and that gives him the ultimate bliss. So when we do things with passion we do not feel stressed. This is an important take away to understand more about our stress level. If we want to work for more than twelve hours we should do it. But there is no point in feeling stressed or whining about it. Life will give hundred reasons to cry but if we can find out thousand reasons to smile, then we will never feel stress.
Giving back to society is a superb way to lead our life to the fullest. This reminds me the advertisement of “Incredible India” where Aamir Khan features to share the gyan at the end. But it is shame on us that the foreigners who laugh at us on every violation of the rules. This is quite apparent that people are taking our own nation for granted and also convince themselves that “phir bhi dil hei Hindustani”!!! Adhering to rules do give us small pressures however it will give huge happiness and satisfaction in the long run, it is we who have to experience it.
Healthy mind or Healthy body? Is a topic for group discussion during recruitment process! Healthy mind has an empathetic view, great listening skills, having an attitude to learn at any time and from anyone! Healthy body compliments it by supporting it in full swing. If we can cleanse our mind at regular intervals our body will trot along with us without complaints.
To conclude I would like to highlight a few points that are to be prohibited to have our life larger than us….Complaints, bad moods, resentment, living in the past and surrounding oneself with negative people.
And at the same time………if we truly want to live life king / queen size then... laughter, unconditional love, practicing the art of kindness, self-discipline, integrity and the last but definitely not the least…is living each moment as if it were your last on the earth!!
Living life to the fullest is a state of mind and not a display of our status!!!!

By  Vindya S Ayyar 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Is being a woman powerful? Is it Open happiness? Can we make things better? Are we welcomed with jinga lala??? Does any parent say “hei dil maange more ..! after a girl is born? Or Can anyone in the society assure us with “No more tears”????????? These jingles are suitable to advertise the products, however we the “Women” are still branded as weaker sex as a whole. Maha kavi Bharathiyaar has quoted that…birth of a girl can take place only if we have done some good deeds.  Is it an utterly over rated statement? I strongly feel like saying “YES” to it. Because women are crushed at every level by some vultures.

The core issues are, Violence against women, Sexual assault, Maintaining healthy relationships, Economic security and financial literacy, Improving self-esteem, Women leadership and finally Health issues of women! All these are iconic words because it can motivate or create controversy. This is because we don’t have clarity on what we want! Our great country worships women on calendar as goddess and on the other side her obscene pictures are used to promote their products by the same calendar. Whenever there is a mismatch in our objectives the goals are devastated and women are again labelled as delicate darlings!!!

What is the cause? Why do we under estimate ourselves? Why do we still fight for our rights? Do we need to be empowered? If yes….from whom?  I would like to recollect a commonly circulated joke, that a woman is a master piece after god has created men. There is nothing like women should be given power separately, especially when we have to talk about the business acumen.

“Daring the difference” a speech by Christine Lagarde at National Democratic Institute Washington emphasizes on three “L”s for women’s leadership qualities.  It is Learning, Labor and Leadership.
“If we educate a boy we train a boy and if we educate a girl we educate an entire family” This is an old saying and how many girls are getting educated…this is a million dollar answer in our country. Because gender equality is a crucial component in our society. Investment for educating a girl is a big mission in developing countries like India. Women’s education is not a threat…but it is a blessing to enable a structured future to face up the challenges of 21st century. One study suggests that an extra year of primary school contributes 20% of growth in a girl and also an extra year of secondary school boosts up to 25%. Therefore Education for a girl child is inevitable, she has to come out of the shell and explore the world by right opportunities.

The next point is “Labor”. Women represent half of our population however they represent far less than in any social activity openly. Men participate more than women in every corner of the world, this is primarily because of the gender gaps and also the subduing nature of a typical woman who is ready to compromise. “EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK” a debatable issue as women are tend to get stuck for low pay and low status jobs.  They do a good job in an informal sector too, but the flip side of this exposure is unpaid, unprotected work environment and unappreciated by the employers.  Women have the power of multitasking and it is what they are born with. In spite of this the ability to take decisions are curtailed to a larger extent because she is taught to adjust at a young age to maintain a tranquil atmosphere.  I would like to remind one thing is that…women are the great consumers and contribute a lot for the economic growth. They account for 70% of the global spending, therefore it will be an energetic booster if we can empower more women in the work force.  It is not something to do with policies or government, it is the culture, belief and macho mentality that prevails in our mind which separates to accept women in top notch positions.

My last bullet in the kitty is about leadership. This is to let the women to rise to the top with her innate abilities and strength. The higher the position is, the lower the participation is!!!! Who is responsible for this? What holds a woman? It is not the competence, it is the lack of confidence. Under qualified and unguided men march forward while more qualified and more knowledgeable ones take a back seat out of fear, doubt their own abilities and also because of family.

 Another factor which Indra Nooyi CEO of Pepsico has confessed in the open forum is that, “women cannot have it all, saying you have to cope, because you die with guilt”.  Why do women embrace guilt almost like getting a crown? It is seldom heard from a man that he is guilty for not spending time for the family. Indra was told by her mother that despite being the President of Pepsico, at home she is first the wife, daughter and daughter in law and mother. Therefore if a woman can learn to balance and understand her potentials the world can witness many leaders from this gender. Real change begin from attitudinal change, assertive behavior and a receptive mind set towards women.

It is the time to “disco”!!! What are we waiting for??????? Wake up the Indra Nooyi, Kiran Masumdhar Shaw and Sudha Moorthy in you!!!  You have to know your potential and channelize it at the right place. The more we endure wrong, the more we become strong!!!! And the world may be huge…but we women can make it a better place with our blessed capabilities!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


The best victory our country has witnessed now!!! 
The congress party has to do a thorough post-mortem of their 10 years kingdom. I chose the word kingdom because it is the Gandhi family which was ruling it directly and indirectly. 

As a True responsible citizen of India I am really happy and welcoming the change wholeheartedly. It is a long anticipation from every person who is surviving with full of hopes!!! There are two issues which  evoked my attention.

Congress was not able to communicate to the people in which way Mr. Modi and his party workers have done. Mr. Rahul Gandhi was born with a silver spoon got opportunity to study in one of the best institutions, yet he failed to connect with hearts!!!!!!!!!! A thought provoking and an interesting point is, communication skills coupled with humility are the accepted key factors in today’s scenario.  Youth India feels that they are not getting proper guidance and also “chaltha hei” attitude is creeping in in their mind. So staying connected with people who matter to us is more important than absenting oneself from issues.

And the second learning I would like to share is for the parents. Though it is a sensitive issue, there is a strong message to the parents that they have to give up their aspiration and let the children decide what they want to do. Then we would have seen Mr. Rahul Gandhi in some other field perhaps excelling.
Leave your child to make his fortune like Mr. Modi, smothering will only make your child clueless, protected, indecisive and failure. Lastly…I salute THE INDIAN MOTHER and the unsung HEROINE Mrs. Modi who gifted us an able leader!!!

Jai hind!                                                                                             Jai Namo!!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

THE "21" from my heart.......


1.She became my sister bcoz she is not beautiful 

He became my brother bcoz he sounds more dutiful.....
She became my sister as she can't talk romantic 
He became my brother as he talks only about other chicks....
She became my sister as her dressing style is bad 
He became my brother as he is not a tall LAD......
She became my sister as her friend is awesome 
He became my brother as he is not TRUE-SOME....
She became my sister as she is too emotional 
He became my brother as his theory of intimacy is physical.....!!!
She became my sister as i want to put an end 
He became my brother as he can't be my BOY FRIEND......!!!!!!!

2. Words r deeds wen u mean..

Roses r everywhere with full of sheen..!
Closeness it brings and I want to lean..
Thoughts are wonky..! Just not clean......!!

I m your sweet heart..
Truly making me trot..!
I am in your thoughts
What more I want...??

Blissful status to be loved...
Brimming with happiness whenever u showed...!
List of wishes..yet to b told...!!
Trimming the days...with my own code...!!!

Cool breeze in my heart....perhaps u r the reason.
A humming bird in my throat..probably it s your season...
Dancing doll in my shoes awaits fr your tunes..!
'Devilish naughty' in my thoughts affixing all my boons..!
Who wants to shun...?
Where there s a lot of fun...!!
Our love is never done....
No need to ask anyone...!

4. Devil like attitude and demon like words
Dented my heart
Dangling between  desperation and discontent
Made me stay apart..!

Every-time is not cool passing clouds…
Endurance that I need must be in loads..
Endless rain of affection
Is the one thing in demand
Enchanted me with your aura is
What I saw around….!!!

All days are not same
All girls are not dame
Act of displaying love is the best thing…
Affection…that is tied up with a strong string..!!!

5. Adoring love …its my pride
Amplified emotions like a tsunami tide.!
All things are beautiful when you stay beside
Ultimate happiness …my
Heart has become wide..!!!

Drenched by your words
Real antidotes
Like rain drops from windows
Perfect blend of hopes…!!

Love is all won…!!
Like the tested mature wine
The words are in tons
Terrific…my heart says that you are mine!!!

6.Often I believe …yes I am queen
In your heart…in the safe terrain..!
Of ten I felt…yes may be an angel…
Whenever you said it in the beautiful spell…
Always thought I am snow white
Without any dwarfs
But with a heart going  and melting up in the graph…
At times I try to personify to like be Cinderella
Only to party with you and
Dance for oh la la la…!
Came back to mother earth
From my dream…
Life is all about  knowing
nectar and neem

queen, Angel , snow white and Cinderella do have
Qualms from my side is why your heart went to a far

7. Feeling you in my every breath
Feeding my heart as though
It is my last birth!!
Challenging my anxiety with left over guts…
Cushioning my flexibility like a silly nut…!!

When can I see you
Continuous urge…
What all I want to speak to you
Cumulative bulge…
You are my world
Many times I told…
Of course getting old..
Let our love get unfold…!!!

8. To whisper in your ears
Sending the cool breeze
To divulge my emotions
The moments that I want to freeze..!

Sun shine is stopped
Moon does not want to pop…
Clouds are on their strikes
Flowers behave alike…!!
Vulnerable I am
Cant sway away your thoughts….
Volcanic passion
Teach me how to pass…!!

The world looks beautiful
When you stay beside me…
The wonders are incredible
When I think about “thee”

9. Love is more than saying
I love you
Which is why I want to do
All things new..!
Sometimes it is hard to accept
Rather should not expect..
Mind is placid..
Don’t want to talk candid!
Loving you is my favorite feeling
Most of the time I did get healing…
You don't miss me the way I miss you…
Coz u r so special chosen from a few…!!!!

10. Why I am becoming a doll?
Just waiting for your call…
Minutes after minutes looking at the wall…
Time is passing…no sign of you at all….!!!

Why don’t you like my emotions?
Why don’t you accept my devotion?
Why do we have all this commotion?
Let us end it with your positive notions!!!

Open and close are just verbs…
Optimistic I am even if you snub!!
Feelings are something, we should not curb…!
Fragile I am…like a special herb..!!!

11. Love has no fence..
It defies the defense. .
Heart behaves in a typical sense...
One cannot reconcile after this cleanse..!

Mind and heart may not get aligned
 Mountains of hopes is what is designed. .
Blowing wind cannot be covered
 Benevolent affection is completely showered...

Life is colorful 
When we paint it with love
It can become wonderful 
If we truly bow..

Gives you a reason to smile and live..
Drives you crazy for the small worldly pleasure
All it knows only to give
Tried my best... it could never be measured!!!

12. Fragrance of the spring season is on its way..
Darkness of the winter is going to be away!!!
Smell of your love is all spread. ..
Sweetness of it is really splendid...!!!

The roller coaster weather brings mental turbulence. ..
Makes one go incoherent...! 
I treat your thoughts with gentle reverence! 
Cementing it with patience to some of the dent..!!!

Pumped up energy is what the disposition...
Pairing it up with resilience is my decision...!!!
Waking up from a meaningful trance...
To be with you is my plan...!!!

13. This is my girl …A cute nightingale
Curbing my desires for this angel… Clothing my emotions for just being a male..!!!
She is like the first rain drop.. Soft trickle on my stubble
She is the one, I wish to elope, Sincerely, even I started to scribble.....!!!
Radiance in her smile makes me docile Repressed heart mulls over her style.
Its unconditional love I don't want to bail... Interesting talks..when she narrates like a tale..!
Always want to boast as she is very close, Artificial I am what I want to post
Deep in my heart I lost almost.... This dainty woman deserves a beautiful Red Rose.....!!!!





65. My love is all over you
Only with words
I decorate it for you to get pleased.
This is what I brew
Churned my emotions
To get rid of my isolation!
Not an angel, who has a magic wand
Not a super woman, who has many powers.
Have loving hands
Hold me..lets be together.
My love has no grammar
Like my poems..
My thoughts have no logic Like idioms
Literature has its own patterns
Your silence is beating my heart like a baton.!
Longing heart wants only a hug..
Love that blossomed is all my luck.
Little by little following u like a pug.
Lamenting lass..scored only a "duck"

16. Pierce my heart with the sound of your love
It lost the power of listening..
Patch up the hole with your utmost care
It needs the magic of redefining. ..!!!

Affection went motionless..
Agony may be the reason is what I guess..
Allow your controlled senses to trespass. ...
Anger is not a tool to make me feel the "loss"!!

Redesign our life with your light of hopes...
Remember that I am the one who is very close...
Recognized the power of love...."is the toast"...
Returning like a bouncing ball which doesn't exhaust.....!!!!

17. Cajoling words ; captured the love knots
Calling my guts to Calibrate the continuous thoughts!

Found you to feel the Love that s lost
Lost me in finding you Which is indeed so fast!

Used many words To know your silence
Crossed my world To feel this benevolence!

I asked you colors You are offering rainbow
I prayed for a soul Personified when I was low!

Is this eternal? May be not...yet its a signal
The status is virtual....still want to dwell...!

18. Complete stranger u were to me..
Confused wander as you could see..
Curious heart just felt free..
Cutely wording are "THE.."

Bumblebees and butterflies will fail in levitating. ...
Bundle of joy your thoughts that simply rejuvenating!
Bloomed love is going fast in accelerating. ...
Bestowing my life to an asset gets accumulating..

Slithering with you like a true member of a team...
Stealthy entries even in my dream... 
Stimulating feeling of a happy "life sentence"
Synergies I get when you are present. ...!

19. Cajoling words
captured the love knots
Calling my guts
to Cal-liberate the cautious dots.!

Found you
to feel the Love that s lost
Lost me in finding you
Which is indeed so fast!

Used many words
To know your silence
Crossed my world
To feel this benevolence!

I asked you colors
You are offering rainbow
I prayed for a soul
Personified when I was low!

Is this eternal?
May be not...yet its a signal
This status is virtual
Yes I know, still want to dwell...!

20. Unsolicited entry into my soul
Ugly carving...a heart with a hole..!
Pondering over your thoughts
Pulling my strengths
on the right path...!!
Where there s a will There s a way
Ventilating heart Doesn't know to sway!!!
Sunset is nt an end But a pause
Every cloud has a silver line is for a cause!!!!
Mustering my courage
with unshaken hopes..
Melancholic claps
for this maverick dope..!

21. For my Valentine..... 

Thousands of poems are possible 
With your one glimpse! 
Showering my words
To pair up the feel of immense!

Eyes, mind and heart are in sync...
Emptiness around me lost its link...!
Embedded my love with you my lion king....
Energies that krishna's musical zing.!

Surrendered myself with an optimum level of content...
Snuggling moments is what I meant....
Simply speaking my heart out....!!
Silently waiting for a joyous bout...!!!